YKRA Faces our series where we round up the most brilliant, interesting, and influential Budapest-based creatives is back! This month's guest is Márton Bodó graphic designer and DJ from Pécs.

Please tell us about your work!
I am a freelance graphic designer and DJ. As a graphic designer I have been working on various things for 20 years, like photography, book design, typography, visual branding, stencil art, painting. I also design album covers, mostly for Wonderwheel Recordings, a New York based music label, and draw illustrations for Selva clothing.
In the past 24 years I was doing almost everything that is related to music, except writing about it. It’s going to be a part of my life forever and ever. I truly love listening to it, playing the music of others as a DJ, or producing our own tracks. I used to play in a band called Soul Chambers, mostly improvisation music. I am also the promoter of the Ambient stage at Ozora, which is one of the largest psychedelic trance festivals in Europe. Doing my music mixes with various guestmixes at radiozora, and Tilos Radio.
In the past year many of the things mentioned above were put on pause, which creates some void in my life. I miss working with others as a team, meeting new people, traveling. Learning from each other and to create something valuable together is very stimulating for me, and it was a big part of my life.
After all the changes happening in the world, I found my peace and equilibrium by spending more time in nature and meditating, and of course the shine of my life, my family and friends.
What does a day of yours look like?
Our daughter Míra who is 3 and a half years old, wakes us up around 7. By 7.30 we can get out of bed. Then we go to the Waldorf kindergarten by bike. Rain or shine, I always use my electric bike, we just cover ourselves up well in the wintertime.
Next I go to the RadiOzora Studio, where I go through my records and deal with the things connected with the festival. I pick up Mira around 1 and after having lunch, the afternoon is about playing with her, reading or listening to fairy tales. If the weather is nice, we definitely get out for some fresh air.
Why did you choose this place to meet?
Because nature is very important to me and it is so calm here, close to this huge and beautiful Cedrus Libani which is native to the mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean basin. Besides Pécs, my hometown, the place where I always feel like home is the seaside. Whenever I feel down, because of the fact that I was not born on the seaside, it is comforting to know that this place, cca 200 million years ago used to be a coast. I come here at least once a month.
What is in your bag?
Flask: I received it from my wife Nadi. This flask is just like me, a little bit worn, but keeps the warmth. I keep water or tea in it. The 94 sticker on it reminds me of the spray cans I used to carry around with me.
Dopp Kit: found this at Ozora after the festival.
Almdudler Mate Guarana: My favourite soda
Sunglasses by Tipton Budapest :This model is named after Le Corbusier, one of the pioneers of modern architecture.
Headphones: These headphones were developed to Concorde by Sennheiser. Concorde aircrafts were the most beautiful and fastest, but also extremely loud, so they needed an onboard solution for that. The accurate legend says that they worked so well that passengers started to steal it from the plane, and it became very popular among DJs in the 80s.
Walnut: It is good for your veins and tasty.
Incense: There are only one or two brands I like, this is one of them, Nag Champa. I use it whenever I want to feel cosy.
A Poetry Book: Sándor Weöres A teljesség felé
IPad : I work and draw on it
Pen: With an inbuilt screwdriver and ruler (centimeter and inch)
Lights: Essential for bikers
Photos by Sára Petrák